Archives for September 2013

Back to Work After Lap Band

I’ve had a long day with some personal drama in it but it was my first day back to work after my lap band surgery.  Reminder:  Do not wear pants with button for the next few days!!  My incision at my belly button is very sore and has significant bruising about the size of a baseball.

I have an office job so sitting at a desk and computer isn’t that taxing and I would probably be doing the same thing if I’d have stayed home after my lap band surgery.

It was good for most of the day – for a Monday.  Never did like them much…hehe.  Kept busy most the day and really appreciated the personal blender and protein I bought extra to keep at my desk.  It really came in handy!  I did notice that it’s hard to keep track of what I’ve eaten during the day and how much protein I’ve received when I’m busy.  I will need to work on a way to improve that.  Also, I did not take any pain meds during the day since I did drive myself to work so by mid-afternoon, I started to have some pain in my mid-section.  I did end up leaving work a bit early.

Tomorrow we will try again.  Wish me luck…